Saturday, December 3, 2011

Our goal is to raise $25,000 by December 30th. We are 72% there! Please consider making a donation before the end of the month.

The family has created a David J Ramnath Memorial Fund to honor and celebrate the life he led. Memorial gifts to honor David’s life will be used to establish an annual David J Ramnath Memorial Tennis Scholarship to a graduating senior of Pleasant Valley High School. We will also use the Memorial Fund to create an annual David J Ramnath Tennis Tournament. His love of tennis and PV are well known to all of you so we think this is a truly great way to honor him.

If you would like to start sending gifts, we welcome that and greatly appreciate it:

Checks will be received by:
Community Foundation of the Great River Bend
852 Middle Road, Suite 100
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722, USA.

Credit Card/Online:
Gifts can be made by credit card on the Community Foundation website, There is a "donate now" button. Donors should put David J Ramnath name in the comments section.